Sunday, September 20, 2009


in the last few years of college ive always been able to study and get my work done but its been very spuratic of when it was done. ive always kinda avoided the library. but this year has been different. ive been very one top of it and in fact ive had all septembers homework done for a while now and the months still going. i study a few hours after classes in the library. and have started a calender thru my gmail account which is amazing! i have all my homework written down and when there due on there. so i can just keep working down the list and everything is very clear. its fun for me because i can cross it off on the computer when its down and i get to see all ive accomplished. sooo far...sooo good :)

visit from idaho

ive had to visits from idaho...
my friend bryce came up for a day and so did my cousin breanne!

she came up because she was flying out the next day to vegas. but it was really fun to see breanne and have a sleepover. we played board games, nintendo, dinner, and watched a movie.

he came up as he was drving down for school in idaho. we played pool, pingpong, sudoku, nintendo, i got to give him a hair cut - i gave him a zig zag mohawk. it was my first hair cut ever...dotn know why he trusted me but it worked out :)

byu football

we won the first 2 games! (both away) i watched them over at a group of boys house where we had lots of people and a barbeque...luke comes with me too :)... the very first game was amazing! because we thought we didnt have a chance in winning it was a even better win! afterwards PROVO WENT CRAZY! and so did me and luke! we ran around with a group of friends and climbed up a wall to dong the victory bell, honked our horns, yelled out in the streets, high fiving people on the curbs. went to a party out side where everyone was chanting "BYU!" there was a pinyata of the other teams quarter back there and people were crowd surfing. we got slurpees adn in the 7-11 parking lot there was a party. (people were running through the streets with no shirts on). we went to another party at the stadium cheering and celebrating. it was an awesome crazy night!!!
the last game was the first home game and it was fun to be at the stadium but not so fun cuz we lost. but byu did get a touch down in 8 seconds running 80 yards which is awesome! and we won the cheerleading contest there :)