Sunday, October 26, 2008

hinder concert

last night me and breanne went to the hinder concert. you may know who they are if you know the song..lips of an angel and better then you. there were definitly some interesting people there... but it was the first concert of a band that ive been to that i actually knew the band before i went! we slowly migrated to the front and ended up being really close to the stage!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

batman and joker

me and breanne went to a carnival for a elementry school to help out. and we got to ge all dressed up. we were in charge of the mini golf station. there were quite of few kids that were scred of me... some would scream " ahh shes scary!" and run away, others hid behind there mom. some thought i was cool. anyways it was fun heres some pics to enjoy...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

guitars unplugged...

last saturday i went to gitars unplugged which is put on by byui and is a whole bunch of bands competeing. it was really cool. i even ran into stacia marshall our cousin. we got front row seats and one of the top winners was a friend of mine who sang a song he made up about chuck norris and how cool he is.

Friday, October 17, 2008

youve been tagged...

You've Been Tagged!....8 things...

8 Obsessions:

1. heroes
2. dancing
3. playing
4. ice cream
5. boys
6. Dr. Mario
7. movies
8. music

8 Words or Phrases I Use Often:

1. "Check"
2. "so your're saying...?"
3. "Yoink"
4. "I see"
5. "Question.."
6. "Your face"
7. "mer"
8 "meh"

8 Things I Want to Do Before I Die:

1. raise a big family
2. re-read the Book of Mormon many many more times
3. get married in the temple
4. become a good dancer
5. learn all i want to learn (beauty school, photography, cooking, etc)
6. um....
7. cant think
8. of more

8 Things I've Learned From My Past:

1. things always seem to fit and workout when im determined
2. cooking meat in the microwave does not take the blood out
3. i like blue,i like cheese...but i dont like bluecheese
4. people can grow up very weird and differently...mostly weird
5. traveling is fun
6. i dont like to work
7. time doesnt to watch the clock
8. my family rocks

8 Places I Would Love to Go or See:

1. hawaii
2. africa
3. new york
4. Italy
5. Egypt
6. China
7. costa rica...again!
8. Disneyworld

8 Things I Currently Need or Want:

1. my General eds to disapear
2. a chocolate milk with icecream drink
3. more school breaks
4. my hair to grow
5. get better at dancing
6. to watch the next episode of heroes
7. To visit family for thanksgiving
8. more space on my computer

8 Ladies I Tag:

1. Sherry
2. cilla
3. mom
4. Lisa
5. Kari
6. lucy
7. michelle
8. melissa

And anyone else is welcome to be tagged as well

Thursday, October 16, 2008

i miss shinguards...

so in soccer im starting to miss shin guards cuz ive finally learned the point of them... i keep getting hurt with out them.
heres where the ball hit me... if u look closely...u can see an imprint of the soccer ball designs!!!!:

heres a bruise that i've had for a few weeks now!

flower arrangements

i have been taking a flower arrangement class and thought i might as well show my work:

Sunday, October 12, 2008

first times, fhe, general conf..etc

a few mondays ago i went shotting for FHE (family home evening) and i shot 3 discs... i was pretty excited about that. this is my second time shotting this year. and ive never done shotting ever before this year. so its exciting to try new things. heres a pic after wards... we were at one of the boys house and they feed us dinner.

another new thing this year ive got to try is motorcycle...ive been on dates with 2 diff guys that drives a motorcycle. and they were very fun and exciting to try so now i can say ive riden one.

for general conference me and breanne went to utah. and i met up with sherry, paul, kari, and mom. as well as my friends from school last year. the first night i went to a big dance and it was so fun cuz there were about 15-20 of us and all were my great friends and ones i hadnt seen forever! then saturday afternoon i got to go to general conference! another first timer!! the prophet didnt talk at that one but it was pretty neat to be in the same room as him. i went with mom, breanne, and ben. then i got to go out to eat with mom at dennys. after i went to paul and karis and we played games and snacked. it was really fun. then that night i got to catch up with some of my friends like christine s., cameron g., and janey h., etc. we played pool and pingpong. then i slept over at sherrys again and sunday we went into the car and listened to conference there, cuz sherry doesnt have a tv or radio....shes crazy. lol. then we took a whole bunch of pics and sherry tried on my long hair. and then mom made a really yummy meal. i also got to go look at some housing for winter semester. then i went home with one of my fhe brothers.
at general conference:

pre or at the dance:

at sherrys having fun with the camera:

for fhe last week we got to go roller skating and it was so fun! everyone thought i was pro cuz i could shoot the duck and skate backwards.

lately to get into halloween..i downloaded some halloween music, ive already watched 4 scary movies, and me and breanne figure out our cosumes... shes gonna be batman and im gonna be joker. we have shirts of them and then are gonna build from there.

i also been editing some more lately and heres a pic with me and blue eyes...kinda fun.

my FHE group having a camp fire, we played games and ate smores and hotdogs.

one thing i noticed at idaho is bonfires are huge here. they do them alot, this is one time with some friends and roomies.