Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

the jones family

family home evening group!

i have a very fun group this year. we have lots of fun activities. some how we got names the jones family.

we have
blown fire
made matching shirts
have family pictures
went to the musuem of art
racked leaves of a grandmas and then the neighbors just for fun
made cards
played games


remember popcorn?! well i still am addicted by the i dont eat it nearly as much...prob once a week instead of twice a day. although my replacement of popcorn turned to ice cream!....which is soooo good but not good lol i am trying to convert back to popcorn and less icecream.

so i hav awesome roomates! all of them! we have a lot of fun together. this is my roomate katelin she is crazy! :)

We went to the happy potter part 1 movie 7 at midnight! it was fun. me and sara dressed up as the weeping willow from the movie...wearing brown and green and carrying around branches that we used to wack people with...and with blake being the only other person we knew he got wacked a lot

Guitar hero is awesome! i have got the chance to play it a little more lately...its rad but i realized it doesnt help my real guitar playing...guess ill have to do both.