Tuesday, December 29, 2009

sisters winter break (dec)

this winter break at home all the sisters were brought together! we are all really close! i love us!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

events of christmas break

(pre christmas break)... i went to cali for a few days and helped peter and cilla prep for their move to oregon. it was fun to help and spend time with their family. i also got to go to an awesome chrismas lighted house, and a train museum!

us girls got our hair dyed by tina! i got streaks in my hair

this break we played alot of games, movies, visiting, ice cream, lilys baby blessing, moving in peter, etc.

we had a extended christmas party where we did talent shows, dinner, games, and stories.

we did our classic christmas storys by the fire :)

we did roller skating 2 times, pre new years and new years.

we had a girls night out. us girls and mom (not pictured) all went to see the chipmuck movie #2. it was really fun and special having girls day out.

new years was really fun! (these pics are pretty blury sorry) we played lots of games at home. then i went to the single adult dance where they had lots of fun activities such as huge twister, slingshot people etc. then i went roller skating! the roller skating was my favorite by far! its what makes new years for me every year!!

we got to visit with lots of family including some new family members...mirandas new cats!

i got to play with my camera a little more over the break ...
here is a pic of me playing with the shutter. it is a pic of outside from inside teh car as we were driving in the middle of the night... its cool cuz it doesnt look like that at all!

i got to practise making certain things blurry and not blurry..heres a sample:

Friday, December 25, 2009

christmas dec 09

this christmas was awesome!!!!

christmas was really fun for me! everytime every one opened a present we would chant their name! i got alot of awesoem gifts...including: skis, music player, snow scraper for the car, popcorn holders, electric blanket (so warm) etc.
-we did the classic wrapping paper war too!

Friday, December 11, 2009

relief society december

relief society is so awesome to me! especially this year. at church every relief society hour is so special to me. i am just soaking up everything i hear. the spirit is so strong.

here is an event we did. it was a relax night and we got massages, yummy food and relaxing advice.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

idaho trip (december)

in december for a weekend me, christine and my friend colby all drove down to idahio and then split our ways when we got there. i went to play with breanne. we had alot of fun. we went out to eat, movies, bull riding, church, etc.

breanne is a very special cousin to me. we are best friends! i love getting together with her.

on the drive back we stopped at the potato factory!

we visited bela!