june 5 - june 9 lucy and i went on a trip to idaho! we left fri june 5th at 330am on our long drive. and came into town around 330 or 4. that night we had a bunch of people come over and watched a movie in breannes lobbys theater room :) we watched mall cop and shutter! then saturday we went canoeing! it was freezing but we did it! we then watched some rented movies and went to the cheap theater and had dinner- it was really fun catching up with breanne. then on sunday we went to church - lucy boar her testimony, later we played card games and pictionary. breanne made cookies for us. i also died breannes hair. then on monday we made a movie pretty much completely IMPROV which was pretty cool. we also went to walmart and had a list of things to find and put in our cart - we all raced and had a blast. lucy won. lucy also got a hair cut on monday which was cool - just a trim. we worked out as well. then on tuesday we went on campus with breanne to devotional. i also got to visit with one of my old friend named bryce. throughout this trip me and lucy have been reading the new moon book which is the 2nd twilight book cuz we are excited its coming out in november!
heres the rad video:
Ice blocking:
Visiting Bryce:
we left early wednesday morning from idaho to utah and arrived at sherrys. first me and lucy joined tammy and here extended family and went out to eat at a pizza shop. through out the trip we ate popsicles, played royalty, games, ate apples, played on a tramp basket ball court, played nintendo, read the host, had a crape party, visited with tammys friend megan, went shopping at the mall, watched movies, picked up sherrys wedding dress. we also had a wedding shower for sherry which was fun :) it was a fun sister week
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Good times!
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