i feel like i should document my experience with rooming with breanne as the semester is coming to a close. this is for my own benefit (cuz this is my journal)..but feel free to enjoy.
quotes or sayings of breanne and heidi:
- "your leaveing me!"
- "Breanne! where are your pants"
- "you'll be fiiiiiiine..."
- "you have underestimated my sneakyness..."
- "i see london, i see france...i see breannes crack"
- "oOoOoOo so your saying...?"
- "your face..."
- "wingers.... it gives me the craps!"
resturants: wingers, hard hat, applebees, cragios (take mints),Road house.
desserts: cold stone, subway cookies, dairy queen.
books: read part of twilight together
night bed time procedures: the night light covered, lights off, beware of breannes face, door closed, occasionally under the door crack covered. heater blasted, window open, fan on.
Thingsz we've done:
-free starving student card: i have a coupon card called a "starving student card" and it has alot of discounts on it. but in one section it has completely free stuff. so for dinner me and breanne drove around town to the different stores getting all the free stuff we could get! we got lots of icecream, drink, bread sticks, a bagel, fries, etc.
-gotten nails or toenails done at a place or home
- made trips to idaho falls going to the mall to shop
- went to a hinder concert
- for halloween dressed as batman and joker - we also worked as a elementary carnaval incharge of the golf part.
- the dark night movie - we went to the move "the dark night" aka batman 2 at the cheap theater and right before we left for the movie we made this huge desert called "death by chocolate"...(brownies, whip cream, heath bars, choc pudding) and then we stuffed it in our huge bag/purse as well as a gallon of milk and a huge blanket. it was amazing!! we didnt get caught.
- we decorated out room - theme was red, black and white. we covered one of the walls with red wrapping paper and aroung the closet with news paper and then put olden day black and white pictures or black and white pictures we had up on on our walls. we even had matching beds...white comforters, both had red throw pillows/ blankets and black pillows. we used to have our beds pushed to gether as a gigantic bed but then the office made us move it.
- we've wrestled, given piggy back rides, and steal movies from our friend casey or the fhe brothers.
- we would go to the place here called the rex - where on thursdays for 3 dollars you can watch a movie, bowl, rock band and play pool. we went there for a double date and once just us. when we went just us theres a ice cream place there called subzero (where u create your own icecream...breanne made the nastyest ice cream ever... pina colda ice ream, mashmellows, plus something else wack - the guy was like.."are u sure?" she thought it was gonna taste great..she was wrong haha.
- we randomly charge/ run at eachother
- we randomly start running and racing to things
- been to bonfires,swam in hotel, made meals together or for eachother.
- mom, lucy, and dwight came to visit.
- breanne tryed everyday she went to class asking a guy if he'd want to go on a blind date with me and finally she got the nerve and he had a girlfriend.
- we took the class new testiment together
- every tuesday we went to the cheap theater - always buying milk duds, iccees
- go work out together
- hot tubbing
- scaring eachother all the time
- between me and breanne we always had flowers on counter (breannes from ben, mine from my class)
-wedding dress shopping
-utah trip - we visited with mom, sherry, paul and kari, went to general conference, and a dance.
- went to the beaverdick bash dance- got free shirts.
-late night movies, chocolate milkshakes, racing to the door, made up a bridesmade dance, learned from online how to dance -12 step by ciara, attemped to learn a head stand, stretch together, watched simpsons in middle of night, ice caves,
streaking...ok not really. but rean in our swimsuits out side in the snow yelling streaking running to the hot tub...to find out it was closed, then we ran to another hot tub and it had no water in it.
drove down to idaho form oregon at beginning of the semester with gaylene and met up with most all of the rest of the messingers and went to a water park in boise, and will drive back home in a few days.
for family home evening - skating, shooting , haunted house, disney dance (be our guest), bonfire, games, bishops house.
music: christmas music, no moutain high enough, rap, etc
thnaksgiving break - went to twlight movie with girls, skating, troy bday.